
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Exhausted Enlightenment

Exhausted Enlightenment

This third installment to the Cheap Thrills series is a real shocker.  The scene opens with a distraught vixen trapped in her car and a pursuer of unimaginable strength after her.  What will he do when he's captured his victim? and what will she learn from her attacker?  You have to read this short story to find out.  It's definitely not a journey for the feint of heart!

Eve's Apple

Eve's Apple

Adam is distraught over the way he is being treated by Lilith and leaves for a walk to figure out exactly what she wants.  When he returns Lilith has a surprise for him by the name of Eve.  Although Adam is angry at first by the Lilith flaunts Eve in front of him he soon discovers exactly what Lilith has been searching for.

This story was particularly fun to write.   I drew upon references to modern gene study for the characters ethnicity and the biblical origin of mankind in the Garden of Eden here and there.  This isn't one for those of you who have a firm belief in Christianity, it might be offensive.  However if you have a sense of humor you will probably enjoy the story.

The Rent is too Damn High

The Rent is too Damn High

 Welcome to the first story in the Cheap Thrills series!  When Carl finds himself in a tight spot between his student loans and his land lady, he makes the choice she's been waiting for him to make for a long time.  It's not that easy for Minnie the land lady though.  In an unexpected twist Carl does things to her body you'll just have to read about.  

Series One: Cheap Thrills

Cheap Thrills is a series of short stories about  one off situations and encounters. The stories aren't connected in any way.  This series is my foray into the writing world as a test bed.  I may decide to expand on it later but really I'm very interested in getting into some different situations and encounters.  Overall I'm pleased with Cheap Thrills so far.  As I wrote and read this series got really fun to write, so I hope you enjoy!